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<p>Meditation in Sri Lanka is deeply rooted in the countrys Buddhist traditions, and it plays a significant role in the daily lives of many Sri Lankans. Overall, meditation in Sri Lanka is a multifaceted and integral part of the country is cultural and spiritual identity. It continues to evolve, with a growing interest in meditation both among the local population and visitors from around the world.</p> <p> </p> <p>1. Theravada Buddhism: The majority of Sri Lankans follow Theravada Buddhism, which places a strong emphasis on meditation as a means to achieve enlightenment. Monks and nuns, who lead monastic lives, often engage in regular meditation practices.<br>2. Historical Meditation Sites: Sri Lanka boasts historical meditation sites that date back to ancient times. Cities like Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa were once important centers for meditation and Buddhist learning. Ruins of monasteries and meditation chambers can still be found in these areas.<br>3. Vipassana Meditation: Vipassana, a form of insight meditation, is widely practiced in Sri Lanka. This technique focuses on observing bodily sensations and gaining insight into the nature of reality. Many meditation centers across the country offer Vipassana retreats, attracting both locals and international practitioners.<br>4. Monastic Meditation Retreats: Monasteries and meditation centers in Sri Lanka often organize retreats where individuals can immerse themselves in intensive meditation practice. These retreats provide a structured environment for participants to deepen their meditation experience.<br>5. Mindfulness in Daily Life: Meditation is not limited to formal retreats; many Sri Lankans incorporate mindfulness into their daily lives. This may involve meditation sessions at home, regular visits to temples, or participating in communal meditation events.<br>6. Spiritual Tourism: Sri Lanka has become a destination for spiritual tourism, with many seeking meditation experiences in the countrys serene and culturally rich settings. Visitors can find a variety of meditation programs, from short workshops to longer retreats.<br>7. Influence on Arts and Culture: The practice of meditation has influenced various aspects of Sri Lankan arts and culture, including traditional music, dance, and visual arts. Mindfulness and contemplation are often themes depicted in artistic expressions.<br>8. Renowned Meditation Teachers: Sri Lanka has produced renowned meditation teachers and scholars who have contributed to the global understanding and practice of Buddhist meditation. Some teachers have gained international recognition for their teachings.</p>